December 13| 4:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. (Pacific Standard Time)
December 14| 8:00 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. (China Standard Time)
This is a pivotal time for California’s climate policy. Governor Newsom recently signed the largest climate budget in history, with $15 billion in climate priorities. The new scoping plan - which sets forward how California will reach its climate targets - will be released early next year. California is also continuing to engage internationally, and recently sent more than twenty state representatives to COP26 in Glasgow, Scotland. All of this action is occurring against the backdrop of the historic droughts and wildfires facing the state this fall.
What has happened over the past year in California’s climate policy, and what does it mean for the state’s goals to achieve a resilient and climate neutral future? We heard from a panel of California climate policy experts, moderated by California-China Climate Institute Senior Advisor Louise Bedsworth.
4:00 Discussion is Opened by Moderator: Louise Bedsworth, California-China Climate Institute
4:05 Updates from the CA Delegation at COP 26: Eleni Kounalakis, Lieutenant Governor, California
4:15 California-Climate Policy Updates
- Updates on the Scoping Plan Process
Jason Gray, Chief, Cap-and-Trade Program, California Air Resources Board
- Updates on Adaptation Strategy and 5th Climate Assessment
Nuin-Tara Key, Deputy Director for Climate Resilience, Office of Planning and Research
- Updates on Natural and Working Lands Strategy
Amanda Hansen, Deputy Secretary for Climate Change, California Natural Resources Agency
- Updates on Zero Emissions Vehicles and Infrastructure
Patty Monahan, Commissioner, California Energy Commission
- Updates on the California Budget Priorities for Climate
Shereen D'Souza, Deputy Secretary for Climate Change and Intergovernmental Relations, CalEPA
5:00 - 5:25 Open Discussion and Audience Q & A
Facilitated by Louise Bedsworth, Senior Advisor, California-China Climate Institute
5:25 Closing Remarks