November 9: 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. (Egyptian Time)
November 9: 4:00 a.m. - 5:00 a.m. (Pacific Time)
November 9: 7:00 a.m. - 8:00 a.m. (China Standard Time)
Event is in-person in the Blue Zone at COP27 in Egypt, at The China Pavilion. A UNFCCC COP27 badge is required to enter.
Universities are building meaningful partnerships with communities, governments and civil society to support co-learning and the development of integrated climate solutions that are just and sustainable. In the near-term, universities have strong roles to play to develop equitable solutions to meet urgent needs such as addressing methane emissions, energy transitions and implementation. This event will bring together leadership from various university-housed centers to share about their collaborative research partnerships and the impactful results of these joint efforts.
Discussion is Opened by Moderator, Louise Bedsworth, Executive Director, Center for Law, Energy and Environment, UC Berkeley
Opening Remarks
- Mary Nichols, Vice Chair, California-China Climate Institute
Equitable Climate Action
- Professor Tracey Osborne, Director, UC Center for Climate Justice
Just Energy Transitions
- Professor Ryna Cui, Research Director, Center for Global Sustainability, University of Maryland
Shared Learning about Climate Policy Implementation
- Professor Kelly Sims Gallagher, Director Climate Policy Lab, Tufts University
Open Discussion and Audience Q & A
Perspectives from Global Alliance of Universities on Climate Global Youth Ambassador
- Kayleigh Murray, MSc student, Department of Botany and Zoology, Stellenbosh University
Closing Remarks, Louise Bedsworth, Executive Director, Center for Law, Energy and Environment, UC Berkeley